Nangelil Ayurveda Medical College Hospital

Ayurvedic Treatment For Autism At NAMCH

Autism or Autistic Spectrum Disorder is a growing problem of the present era. That has shownan alarming increase in the fast decade. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological anddevelopmental disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, andbehave. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is described as a “developmental
disorder” because symptoms generally appear in the first 2 years of life. Ayurvedic treatment for autism is based on creating a fine balance between the mind, bodyandspirit. It focuses on correcting the imbalance in the three doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) usingacombination of therapies including massages, meditation, yoga, herbal remedies and dietarychanges. In Ayurveda we believe that good health happens when your mind, body and spirit areperfectly balanced. Any imbalances can lead to health problems.

● Over Responsivity
● Under Responsivity
● Poor Motor Coordination
● Emotional and Behavioral Challenges
● Delayed Speech Development
● Rejecting Cuddles
● Hyperactivity
● Sleep Problems
● Poor Sensory Discrimination

Autism Can Be Under Control with Ayurvedic TherapiesandTreatments :
The Ayurvedic approach to managing autism encompasses Unmada Chikitsa, a comprehensivetreatment methodology that integrates herbal medication, Ayurvedic detoxification principles, customized dietary regimens, counseling, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and yogicpractices. This multidimensional approach aims to address the diverse aspects of the conditionand promote holistic well-being. Snehapanam, Siropichu, Mridusneha Sodhana, Niruha and Sneha Vasthi, Nasya, Anjana, Utasadanam, Abhyyangam, Thalapothichil, Dhara are some procedure-based therapies doneinthe autistic child.

  1. Snehapanam (Internal Administration of Medicated Ghee) :
    This is a 3 – 5 day preparatory regimen done prior to the beginning of the main cleansing. During ghee therapy, medicated clarified butter (ghee) will be given to drink either in themorning or on an empty stomach, or in the evening prior to dinner. Through snehapanamayurvedic treatment, overproduction of gastric juice in the digestive tract is believed to beneutralized by the passage of the medicated ghee.
  2. Siropichu (Application of Oil on Head) :
    Ayurvedic procedure which includes keeping a sterile cotton pad dipped in herbal oils onthecrown of the head and wrapping it up with a bandage cloth. Shiropichu is one of the palliativetreatments in Ayurveda used for neuropathic conditions. The application of oil on the headhelpsto nourish the sense organs.
  3. Niruha & Sneha Vasthi :
    Since this Vasti eliminates (expels) the morbid Doshas or diseases from the body, it is calledNIRUHA VASTI (Niruha – To eliminate). NIRUHA VASTI (Enema for expelling Doshas) Thiskarma is indicated mainly in the vitiation of Vata. Along with the Snehavasti imparts muchmorebenefits to the body. Helps to clear the CNS, peripheral nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Mridu Sneha Sodhana (Purificatory Procedures ) :
    Elimination of Dosa Dhathu Mala is indicated in conditions wherever the mental channels areblocked.. Vamana (therapeutic emesis) and Virechana (therapeutic purgation) are the ideal choices as purificatory procedures. According to dosha, predominance, doctors decides thechoice of purificatory procedures.
  5. Nasya and Anjana :
    Nasya: Helps to clear the Imbalances. The nose is the most direct gateway within the skull andto the brain, and quickly pulls toxins from those tissues. Nourishes the mind, pacifies vataandimproves prana circulation via srotas. Improves tone of voice, and releases tension in theneck, shoulders and head via lubrication
    Anjana: Anjana is a procedure of applying medicine in the form of Gutika, Raskriya or Churna(powder) to the inner side of lower lid margin either by fingertip or by Anjana Shalaka. Helpsinrelaxing and soothing the optic nerves thus bringing clarity and luster to the eyes and relief tothe mind.
  6. Panchakarma – The Ultimate Ayurvedic Detoxification Therapy :
    Panchakarma is a series of five detoxification therapies that eliminate toxins and rejuvenatethebody. Each therapy addresses specific doshas and areas of the body, providing a holistic
    approach to detoxification. Detoxification therapies, aim to eliminate ama fromthe body throughprocedures like
    ● Vamana – Therapeutic Induced Vomiting for Kapha Dosha Cleansing
    ● Virechana – Detoxifying the Pitta Dosha through Purgation
    ● Basti – Ayurvedic Enema for Balancing Vata Dosha
    ● Nasya – Nasal Cleansing for Overall Detoxification
    These therapies are believed to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and restore balancetothe doshas. In addition to physical treatments, Ayurvedic practitioners may recommendpractices such as meditation, yoga, and pranayama (breathing exercises) to promote relaxationand emotional well-being.

    Nangelil Ayurveda Medical College Hospital Offers Autism Treatments &Therapies for a Better Well Managed Life!
    We offer a holistic approach to autism treatment, it is essential to approach it as a complementary therapy alongside conventional interventions. Our ayurveda treatment resultsindicate improvements in behavior, communication, and overall quality of life. Ayurvedaholdsthe potential to play a valuable role in the comprehensive care and support of individuals livingwith ASD.

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