Nangelil Ayurveda Medical College Hospital

Prasoothi tantra & Stree Roga department (Gynecology)

Department of Prasooti tantra & Stree roga deals with Gynecology & Obstetrics in the field of Ayurveda. The department aims at quality women’s care along with developing excellent professionals with best clinical skills and compassionate attitude.
We are well equipped in handling women’s health with a focus on female reproductive system paired with obstetrical care. We deal with a wide range of issues including Infertility, Uterine fibroids, Uterine prolapse, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, PCOS, Irregular menstruation, Vaginal discharges, Excessive bleeding, Pain during menstruation, Menopausal disorders etc.In the area of obstetrics, Department deals with  Pre conceptional care, Ante natal care and post-natal care.Department also specialises in the treatment of specific problems related to pregnancy and delivery after care including Lactational disorders.


The department has an outpatient (OP) unit. O.P has an attached examination room/minor procedure room for doing procedures like yoni kshalana, Kshara Karma, Yoni pichu, Yonipooranam, Utharavasthi etc


With increasing work-related stress and change in lifestyle the prevalence of infertility cases has considerably increased.
Here under the special care of experienced doctors the causes for the infertility in males and females are identified and treatment is given at an economic rate to conceive naturally and to give birth to a healthy child.

The most common concern for young females in recent times is PCOD. The unhealthy lifestyle followed by youngsters now a days is observed to be the primary reason for PCOD .It leads to ovarian dysfunctions with symptoms like excessive body hair growth, menstrual irregularities, weight gain etc. It is also the leading cause for female infertility.
Here we provide treatments and special diets for such hormonal imbalances after detailed history taking, physical examination, investigations and all other screening methods for better prognosis. Ayurveda treatment acts by removing the toxins & impurities from the body and gives better treatment outcomes.

Antenatal care starts from day of conception till the time of delivery. The mother’s body undergoes hormonal changes which may lead to complaints such as nausea, vomiting, indigestion, constipation, varicose vein, headache, muscle cramps and low back ache. All these problems can be remedied through a planned garbhini paricharya regimen.
Yoga and physic fitness sessions are done by trained yoga doctors and physiotherapists. A customised diet based on the gestational requirements is advised to meet the calorific and nutritional requirements for the growing baby and mother.
We also provide month wise diet check and special Ayurveda preparations for the mother. Traditional oil application, advice on activities that a pregnant woman should follow, medicines for morning sickness and other pregnancy related complaints.

Post natal period is the period beginning immediately after the separation of placenta and extending upto 6 weeks, otherwise called as puerperal period. Post natal care is termed as sutika paricharya in Ayurveda. Objectives of sutika paricharya are to ensure a normal puerperium with delivery of a healthy baby, restoration of the health of mother to maintain maternal and infant’s health, preventing illness, to establish infant feeding and provide emotional support to the mother.
Our post-delivery packages include whole body oil massage, herbal bath, abdominal binding along with special treatments like mugha paricharanam, kesa paricharanam, special diet for mother, baby massage and bath, lactation counselling and post-delivery yoga consultation.

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