Nangelil Ayurveda Medical College Hospital


We provides excellent Ayurveda treatment for wellness including Diet modification, Yoga therapy, Skin and cosmetology.


Excessive weight gain due to various causes is managed effectively by special treatments including Panchakarma procedures, diet modifications and Yoga therapy. We also provide effective treatment for all life style diseases like hypertension, hypercholestremia, thyroid complaints etc.

Yoga training and meditation session for both preventive and curative aspects. Yoga practices are very effective in treating stress related diseases, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, stroke, insomnia, obesity etc.

Skin-Effectively handles all types of skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, fungal infections, nail infections, warts, allergic manifestations and vitiligo

Cosmetology – Ayurveda treatments for skin care with different complaints such as acne, pigmentation, skin tan, dry and lustreless skin.
Special treatments for hair related disorders like Dandruff, hair fall , Alopecia, scalp infections and allergies

We focus on providing quality wholesome food to our patients incorporating Ayurveda principles of food through our pathyahara unit. We also give appropriate dietary advice on both OPD & IPD basis for various life style disorders like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, PCOS and other diseases.

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